A Few Life and Work Updates + Some Reflections on Grief

Originally published June 22, 2023, on JoyMadeApproachable.com.

Hi 😊.

It’s been a few months - I appreciate your patience and staying with me as I’ve undergone a lot of big life hits and changes this past year.

I have quite a few updates to share, including social media changes, the blog name change, my creative work and business focus and endeavors, and some reflections on events that have happened over the last six or so months, and have in turn impacted my work.

Please Be Sure to Bookmark JoyMadeApproachable.com

The name of the blog has been updated! Be sure to bookmark JoyMadeApproachable.com, as we will eventually be removing the original domain from this website.

Social Media Updates

I Permanently Deleted my Facebook Account

I started disconnecting first with people I haven’t talked with and seen in person for around 5-10 years. It definitely wasn’t anything personal - I hadn’t seen, talked with or had any connection with these individuals for many years. My initial intention in doing this was to stay connected with the people, groups, and communities who are actively a part of my life.

After I disconnected from people on Facebook who aren’t a part of my current life, and I am not a part of theirs’, I realized I still was using Facebook to scroll aimlessly when I had run out of things to scroll through on other apps. I wasn’t using it to connect at all, but more as a mindless distraction, and, in turn, an unhealthy coping mechanism.

I’ve Taken a Step Back from Instagram

  • From a business standpoint, for the amount of work I would put into Instagram when I posted regularly, IG provided very little brand awareness for my blog and writing. It’s also not my intention to become an influencer, which would probably require relying heavily on social media.

  • Instagram was artificially filling my social cup and draining my social battery at times without me actually interacting with people in my day-to-day life besides my husband.

  • I was allowing it to mess with my mental health by way of comparison, perfectionism, and idealism.

  • I would use Instagram as a form of procrastination.

  • Because my primary account is a Creator account, I felt like I was being productive by scrolling and engaging at random times of the day. In reality, I was procrastinating on work, sleep, and living my own life.

  • Overall, since stepping back from Instagram and Facebook, I’ve felt a lot better, and much more clear thinking. For sure it’s been hard to redirect my attention in those moments when I’m unmotivated and, in the past, would have turned to scrolling social media. However, with some effort and attention, I’m slowly learning to redevelop a healthier perspective and use of my time.

Current Creative and Business Focus

I’m starting to focus more on Pinterest, blogging, and potentially changing directions with the freelance writing part of my business.

These three aspects of my business bring me a ton of joy and are currently the primary drivers of my career. Pinterest is a huge source of inspiration and creativity for my life and business, and blogging, freelance writing, and copywriting have historically been my business’s primary forms of income.

I’d also like to update the products in my product store, both another aspect of my work I enjoy, as well as another source of income for my business.

Life Updates and Reflections

Like I mentioned in my last post, an elderly loved one of mine - my primary father figure for the first three decades of my life - passed away in early March.

He stepped into this father role when I was about 4 years old and my parents separated, and my relationship with my biological father continued to grow more and more distant and estranged.

Grief has been difficult to navigate - I miss him so much. I know we’ll see each other again someday; however, I’d love and hope to live a long, happy, healthy life. If that’s the case, I may not see him again for another 50-70ish years.

It’s hard to grasp it’s only been three months since he passed.

Sometimes I go to call him to share a joyful moment, a lesson I’m learning, or to ask him if he’ll share his life wisdom, and to hear his memories that I thought I’d get to listen to forever, just one more time. Then, that moment of realization hits when I remember that if I were to call or stop by, he’s not going to be there.

I miss his giggle, his Ole and Lena jokes, the faux Norwegian accent he’d use to either scare away or crack up telemarketers, hearing his life stories and how he got to where he was in his life, the heart-healthy pancakes he’d make almost every Saturday, and witnessing firsthand how much he loved his wife, family, and me every day, through every phase of life.

I thought he was indestructible - I thought he’d live forever.

He had that special sparkle in his eye, a “no shoulda, coulda, woulda” attitude, and a constant unrelenting and determined grin with which he told life he wasn’t going to let anything get him down.

Despite experiencing many tragedies since childhood in his life, he was realistic and simultaneously optimistic and determined, which I believe led to his success in his personality, his relationships, his work, and all aspects of his life and faith.

I miss him, I love him, and I’m deeply proud of him and the role he has played in my life.

Wrapping Up ❤

My husband, family, and I have experienced a lot of life hits this past year. And yet, I believe God is protecting and looking out for us in big, small, and in-between ways. I don’t mean to dismiss the hardships - they have been incredibly difficult; yet, I also want to acknowledge my deep gratitude for God’s goodness and steadfastness while I’ve been going through and processing these events.

Although it’s been a difficult time getting here, I’m happy, content, and grateful for where I’m at in life, and I’m excited to see what the next chapter holds.

Until Next Time ❤

Thank you for reading this post! I apologize for how long it’s been since I last posted (as well as how long this post is!), and I really appreciate your patience. I’ve been taking a break from consistently writing and creating to take some time to recover and heal from grief. I’m not totally sure what this next chapter will hold, but I hope to be more consistent on this blog and continue figuring out and working through my relationship with social media, as well as how that relates to and supports my writing.

It’s honestly a super tricky process, I’ve noticed, at least for me. I don’t have a clear vision yet for what content will look and feel like in the upcoming days weeks, months, and years, but I’ve been praying for guidance.

Part of me thinks God just wants me to take a step forward, see where it takes me, and let Him guide me from there. I’m not totally sure. I love having a clear direction and vision for my creative work. And, yet, I haven’t been getting that recently.

I’m also starting to realize that waiting for clarity 100% of the time, or even 95% of the time, is not realistic, practical, or viable. I think part of the joy of creativity is being able to make a mess, or at least think and paint outside the lines. In the doing. experiencing, and creating is where we get the refining. A post won’t be perfect on the first try - they never have been, and never will be 😅. (The final posts aren’t ever perfect either). I’m really starting to believe both creativity and creative work are processes of learning, growing, and refining as we continue to learn and grow. That’s taken me a long time to learn - I hope you can have grace for me ❤.

All this being shared and said, I’d really appreciate your good vibes and prayers that God continues to reveal His will for my life and work, and that I have the courage and bandwidth to take consistent, positive steps forward, even if His will isn’t clear for me.

I’d really appreciate your continued support as I journey forward.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day ❤!

Let’s Connect ✨!




“Real contentment must come from within. You and I cannot change or control the world around us, but we can change and control the world within us.” - Warren Wiersbe



A Brief Life Update: Why I Haven’t Been Present on the Blog and Social Media this Past Month