A Brief Life Update: Why I Haven’t Been Present on the Blog and Social Media this Past Month

Originally published March 30, 2023, on JoyMadeApproachable.com

Hi there.

This will be brief, and, I apologize, probably not very aesthetic. Thank you for your patience with me throughout this past month. I really appreciate it ❤.

Earlier in March, an elderly loved one I was helping take care of passed away after a nearly 40-year struggle with a chronic, life-altering illness, and being in and out of the hospital over 10 times this past year.

I’m not going to share a lot of detail out of respect for my family and our privacy; however, I was incredibly close with, deeply loved, and admired this person. He was and continues to be one of my favorite people I’ve been fortunate to have in my life since I was born.

I believe he’s in heaven, and have never felt heaven as close as I have since his death; I still feel a connection with my loved one and hope to feel this forever. We’ll see each other again someday ❤.

I’ve been taking a break from my writing and social media this past month, creating, resting, and reflecting to heal, and for my well-being and comfort, and giving myself time to grieve and mourn. I think it’s important for me to care for and show my family, my husband, and myself deep love, care, and grace, especially during this time. I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d do the same for me.

I hope to slowly get back into a regular schedule in the upcoming weeks and months.

Thank you for being here ❤.




A Few Life and Work Updates + Some Reflections on Grief


Sharing a Brief Life Update