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How To Shop for Clothes on a Budget


I hope you’re doing well, and I’m happy and grateful you’re here! Welcome to, or welcome back to, my corner of the internet :).

I love clothes. An outfit I feel cute and comfortable in helps me feel confident in myself and happy in my body. Throughout most of my life, I struggled with confidence, as well as body image. Cute outfits and clothes didn’t solve these issues - that took years of internal work, Jesus, therapy, and a solid community around me; but clothes I felt and feel cute and comfy in provided and continue to provide little moments of joy throughout my daily life that has helped the process of healing.

Today, I’m sharing some tips for shopping for clothes on a budget, so you can enjoy shopping for clothing without hurting your wallet too much!

How To Shop for Clothes on a Budget

Before and While You Go Shopping

  1. Start with a budget and stick to your budget – this will help keep you on track.

  2. Know what you’re looking for, rather than aimlessly looking at and buying anything and everything you’d like, without putting limits on yourself.

  3. Use your phone calculator before heading to checkout! You are not obligated to purchase anything, much less what you can’t afford/is outside of your budget!

Tips to Help You Save Money

  1. Thrifting. This is great for helping you develop your own unique style on a budget.

  2. End of season sales. If you lean towards being trendier, this suggestion might be discouraging and a bit of a turn-off. However, just a heads-up, trends tend to stick around for a year or two. This method is also great for finding your closet staples and classics.

  3. Hand-me-downs from older relatives. Before you look at me like I’ve completely lost my mind, trends come around over and over, cycle through, and repeat themselves throughout multiple generations. Plus, I don’t know about your older relatives, but mine are pretty stylish. Some of my favorite pieces I’ve received – for free! – from relatives looking to declutter their closet from clothes they’ve had since they were my age. And, something my Grammie will never let me forget, is this: clothes were made with a much higher degree of quality in past generations – they were made to last.

One More Tip

Don’t hold yourself to “keeping up” with influencers, celebrities, or whoever you look up to. Being exactly like someone else will never help you be your unique self. I think it’s wonderful to look up to and be inspired by others. However, also I believe it’s good to buy what is meaningful to *you*, what is within your budget and what brings you joy. Buying like your favorite influencer or celebrity is not what is going to make you like them, or what makes you your unique, special self. What makes you *you* are your personality, how you treat people, the choices you make, how you live your life, your habits, your beliefs etc. Clothes and products can be a part of that, but they aren’t the whole picture! For me, if something an influencer is promoting or selling resonates with me, brings me joy, and is within my budget, I’ll probably get it after a little thought. But I also realize and make sure my identity and self-worth aren’t based on that.

Wrapping Up ❤

I hope this was helpful to you – I know clothes bring me a ton of joy, as well as sticking to my budget, and I think I’m probably not alone in that!

Until Next Time ❤

Thank you so much for reading this! I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day :)

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“Thoughtfulness is the beginning of great sanctity. If you learn this art of being thoughtful, you will become more Christ-like, for his heart was meek and he always thought of others. Our vocation, to be beautiful, must be full of thought for others.” – Mother Teresa


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