Joy Made Approachable

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Develop Your Own Unique Style: A Simple and Fun Guide

***Originally published on on July 15, 2022.


Welcome to or welcome back to my cozy corner of the internet! Thank you for sharing your time with me.

Today I’m sharing some of the personal tips I use to develop and refine my style as it continues to evolve.

These tips are fairly simple – if you have any questions or want to share what you came up with, I hope you’ll DM or send me a message :).

How to Develop Your Own Unique Style

  1. Think about people whose style you love and are drawn to. Take notes on what you like about their style, and things you don’t want to emulate, not because those aspects of their style are bad or there’s something wrong with it – rather, it doesn’t fit you specifically and what you’re looking for. I think it’s great to find inspiration in others – it shows you admire and respect them! However, if your ideas are copying their ideas, and there is no uniqueness in your iteration of their idea, that is disrespectful. I’m a hardcore believer in being inspired and the power of inspiration, but I also believe in doing things your own way and being unique (while also leaning on God if you’re a believer). I believe we are all created uniquely and beautifully.

  2. Write out words of how you’d like your style to be described. Examples might include: feminine, colorful, neutral, trendy, classic, etc.

  3. Take notes on pieces in your closet you’ve kept forever, and are repeatedly drawn to wearing. Try to think about the style, cut, color, etc. of the piece, rather than memories you have associated with it.

  4. Think about your body type and what about it you want to accentuate and draw attention to. Notice I didn’t say “think about what parts of your body you want to hide” because that’s not a healthy mentality. So many people hide rather than shine, and I want you to shine ❤. It helps make life so much more enjoyable and fun ❤.

  5. Go favorite pieces you love on websites of stores you tend to shop on, based on your descriptors, pieces you’re drawn to, and what you want to accentuate.

  6. If you have Pinterest, create a board with your ideal style, based on what you discovered above. Then, save your favorite pictures to your computer or phone.

  7. Make a vision board with the pieces you saved from Pinterest – I use Canva to do this. There are free and premium versions of Canva, so I think it’s hopefully fairly accessible.

  8.  Make a new vision board of some of your absolute favorite pieces you picked earlier from the websites of stores you shop at.

  9. Compare and contrast your two vision boards and adjust your vision board that has the pieces you favorite-ed as much as you’d like until your two vision boards match up in style.

  10. Look over and be mindful of your budget, and take time to think over any purchases you like to make now or in the future before making a purchase. (Spontaneous purchasing without thought is incredibly bad for the budget!). Budgeting and planning are so important and can be so helpful both in this process and in life in general. Also, I highly recommend not buying anything you don’t feel 100% about.

  11. Enjoy the brainstorming and refining process!

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Wrapping Up ❤

Fashion and creating your own, unique, long-lasting style can be a lot of fun and incredibly rewarding. Wearing clothes we feel comfortable in can be really helpful for confidence and self-love, as well as self-expression ❤.

Until Next Time ❤

I hope you enjoyed and had some fun reading this post! Styling and updating my closet occasionally is so much fun, and brings me so much joy. I hope this process creates and inspires joy for you, too :).

Lots of love to you! Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day :).

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“It’s easier to follow fashion than to have personal style.” - Ralph Lauren


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