Joy Made Approachable

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Three Ways to Invite Happiness and Joy Into Our Lives


Welcome to, or welcome back to, my corner of the internet! I’m happy you’re here 😊.

This post was originally published on my previous blog in early 2022 ❤.

Just a head’s up: this is not an all-encompassing list, and I am not a therapist, doctor etc. These are based on books I’ve read and experiences I’ve gained throughout life, and I hope these tips bring hope and joy to you, too.

There have been moments, days, weeks, and years where happiness and joy have felt impossible to feel, both personally, and in the past few years, on a global scale.

Today I’m sharing three tips that have contributed to a meaningful foundation of happiness and joy in my life.

If you’re a Christian, you might suggest that Jesus is the only source of true joy. I believe that too; I also believe Christ gives us the tools to heal and feel that joy on an emotional and feeling level. Jesus (most likely) won’t show up at our front door, in the flesh, to comfort us when we’re feeling down, overwhelmed, and stressed.

However, we might experience that comfort through our community and friendships, through something a close friend says, a bible verse or quote we see, through developing life-giving patterns, routines, and life rhythms, through taking a day to slow down, or through enjoying the present moment we’ve been blessed us with, among other possibilities.

Keep reading if you’d like to learn more!

Three Ways to Invite Happiness and Joy Into Our Lives

 Create And Be a Part of a Supportive Community

In “The Little Book of Lykke: Secrets of the World’s Happiest People,” by Meik Wiking (CEO of the Happiness Institute) trustworthy and high-quality community is key to happiness and joy. Countries that ranked highly in happiness had a higher percentage of people who felt as if they had someone in their life who was trustworthy and that they could rely on in tough times.

Something we can learn from this? Become the friend you would like to have – be trustworthy, keep secrets your friends tell you, don’t gossip, don’t be arrogant or prideful – and there is a good chance you will most likely befriend and be befriended by friends who share similar values.

Sometimes it takes a few tries and a few broken friendships before you find a community that’s a great fit.  Churches, small groups and places of worship, shared hobbies, etc. can all be great ways to make new friends and find community.

Slow Down

In “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer, pastor of an inner-city church in Portland, Oregon, writes “Hurry is the root problem underneath so many of the symptoms of toxicity in our world.” He also shares that hurry is an enemy to our spiritual life. An enemy to our spiritual life is also an enemy to our joy.

Boundaries with social media, learning to say “no” and learning how to avoid becoming overcommitted, taking time to rest, and, if you’re a Christian, checking in with God and spending time with Him, are important starters to slowing down.

Remain Present

In the book “The How of Happiness,” by Sonja Lyubomirski, a professor who studies the mechanics and science behind happiness, we oftentimes postpone our happiness in the present because we think the things that will bring us happiness will only occur in the future.

An important way of overcoming these thoughts? Enjoying the journey, growing and learning, and living in the present moment. Savor life’s blessings while they’re happening, instead of thinking *only* the best is yet to come.

And, while you’re at it, maybe plan some enjoyable experiences to share with your community, such as movie nights, game nights, weekend trips, etc. Or, plan a rest day!

Featured Products

***The following pictures are affiliate links. I may make a small commission if you choose to purchase something through them, and it’s an easy way to support what I do as a creator and entrepreneur. You are definitely not obligated or expected to purchase anything. However, the commissions I make through your purchases go back into this website. It helps keep it sustainable to run and continues to keep its content free for you to enjoy. I really appreciate you, all you do, and all your support ❤❤❤!

Below are the three books I referenced in this post – I highly recommend reading them!

See this content in the original post

Wrapping Up ❤

I hope these tips are a starting point to re-cultivating joy and happiness in your life!

Until Next Time ❤

Thanks for taking the time to read this! really appreciate it. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!

Let’s Connect!




“Every morning, when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand-new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the capacity to live in a way that these twenty-four hours will bring peace, joy, and happiness to ourselves and others.” – Nhat Hanh


See this social icon list in the original post