Four Tips for Establishing Boundaries on Social Media

***Originally published on April 12, 2022, on


I’m happy and grateful you’re here! Welcome to, or welcome back to, my home on the internet ❤.

Like this post’s title says, I’ll be sharing a few quick tips for establishing boundaries with social media, and a few of my perspectives on establishing a better balance and outlook on social media, after working with it for many years.

Social media is ingrained in our society. …That might be kind of an “um, yeah, what else is new...?” type of statement :).

I think, typically, social media is viewed as something negative and harmful, which it definitely can be. However, it can also be helpful and inspiring.

***I’m not going to talk about social media usage with children under 18 – that’s not my primary or target audience.

Four Tips for Navigating Social Media, from Someone Who Works with Social Media

  1. Remember: you get to choose who you follow, particularly on Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok.

  2. Try to give yourself space from social media in the morning and evening. This might look like having quiet time and/or making breakfast before looking at your social media and putting timers on it in the evening.

  3. You don’t need to share more than you want, whether that’s what or how often you share, especially if you’re not a content creator. Being a content creator, sometimes I feel like I need to share more than I’d like; however, over time, I’ve learned that I get to establish this boundary with my community.

  4. One last tip to think about in approaching social media is this: do not feel like you need to keep up with anyone else. Comparing yourself to others (this applies to life outside of screens, as well) and feeling like you need to “keep up” is a recipe for a disastrous downward spiral of doom. Yes, doom. Sorry, had to insert a little humor there ❤. I’ve been there because I felt like I had to keep up with others. I recommend you recognize and avoid this mentality before it drags you down because recovery takes time. It’s more than possible to recover, but it’s easier to avoid the downward spiral in the first place ❤.

My Perspective on Social Media

While I think social media has the potential to be harmful, it can also be beneficial, when used wisely and within boundaries.

I think when you cater your feeds to people and topics that inspire you, rather than weigh you down, social media can be incredibly inspiring ❤. I’m not just saying that because I work in content creation!

Wrapping Up ❤

Sure, it’s possible social media might completely disappear tomorrow. But will it actually? Honestly, and most likely, probably not (although I could also totally be wrong!). Social media is woven into the fabric of our society and world. We can ignore it (which is ok), we can abuse it (not ok), we can laugh at and judge those who choose to use it, or those who choose not to use it (definitely not ok), or we can learn to navigate it in a healthy way and use it to our benefit.

Until Next Time ❤

Thank you so much for taking the time to navigate this topic with me– I really appreciate it! I hope there were something helpful in here for you ❤.

Let’s Connect!




“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23 ❤✨


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