Accessible Ways to help Organize Your Thoughts, Plans, and Ideas

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Welcome to, or welcome back to, my home on the internet! I’m happy you’re here, and I hope you’re having a wonderful day :). Thank you for being here ❤.

Today I’m sharing some easy and accessible ways I stay organized. I hope you enjoy this post and find it helpful!

Ways I Keep my Thoughts, Plans, and Ideas Organized

Notion is wonderful for daily To-Do lists, as well as brainstorming and keeping track of work projects. I also use it to keep track of goals, my reading list, and life projects.

Milanote. I use this app to create vision boards and set intentions for the day during my quiet time. This is something I do as I have time and if I need a little more direction for my day. It’s incredibly easy to upload photos to these vision boards or use Milanote’s photos.

Google Calendar is great for organizing schedules and time batching. I tend to plan my week the Friday before and make tasks in the area above the actual calendar, then assign those tasks to specific times the night before a given day.

Google Keep. This is another app my husband and I use to stay organized. It’s great for keeping track of house projects, gift ideas for myself, others, and each other, and shopping lists, among other things. I appreciate how we can add each other as collaborators to our lists.

A notebook and pen or pencil for thoughts and brainstorming. With the accessibility of smartphones, this might seem impractical. However, when I’ve had writer’s block or content creation block, I’ve found it helpful to write down thoughts and ideas with paper and pen. For me, doing this goes back about 20 years, and it’s a soothing habit that’s been great for clearing up mental blocks since then.

Something that’s great about these resources is that most of them are free or fairly inexpensive.

Wrapping up

Staying organized is so helpful in living life well. I know I don’t feel great when I’m not organized. I think there’s also a time and place for organization, as well as time for living spontaneously and resting and relaxing.

Until Next Time ❤

Thank you so much for being here today and spending time with me! I hope the rest of your day is fantastic 😊. Let me know how you stay organized, as well as if there are any links you’d like me to include in future blog posts ❤.

Let’s Connect!




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