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A Hopeful and Peaceful Quiet Time Routine

***Originally published on on April 15th, 2022.

Hi there!

I hope you’re doing well, and I’m happy and grateful you’re here ❤!

Today I’m sharing my current quiet time routine which has been helpful in preparing my heart, mind, and spirit for each day.

I hope this is helpful to you, whether you use the whole thing, or choose to use bits and pieces of this routine.

Quiet time routines can be constantly evolving. Each chapter of life looks different. Whether you’re in high school, college, working or not, a mom, a mom figure, in retirement, or an entrepreneur, quiet time will take shape a little differently for everyone, depending on where you’re currently at in life.

This could also be dependent on your faith journey and what works well for you. Although, whether you do quiet time every morning doesn’t necessarily define your relationship and intimacy with God.

I hope you enjoy this post and learn something new! 

A Hopeful and Peaceful Quiet Time Routine

YouVersion Bible App

I’ll start by watching the stories series with a speaker sharing a brief message, a prayer, and a part of a devotional.

A majority of the time, after watching the stories, I’ll read a day’s worth of a separate devotional that I picked out based on something, whether that’s an emotion, a circumstance, or a faulty belief I’m dealing with in life at the time. There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of devotionals on the Bible app for a variety of circumstances, situations, and feelings. These devotionals have been incredibly helpful for my faith journey and for connecting with God on a deeper level.


I recently finished a booklet called “Can I Have Joy in my Life?” by R.C. Sproul, as a part of the Crucial Questions series. It looks at the basis of joy as a Christian, as well as the difference between joy and happiness, and how happiness and joy are viewed by culture and society. It’s interesting and eye-opening ❤.


After listening to the daily message, reading a brief devotion, and most days reading a little bit of a book, I’ll journal for a little bit.

It usually takes me about 30 minutes to do this quiet time routine, depending on how in-depth I go, and how much time I have.

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The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

This book looks at Jesus’s pace of life, and how to apply these principles in modern-day society.

See this content in the original post

Wrapping Up ❤

Quiet time can be a helpful way to deepen your relationship and intimacy with God. What your quiet time looks like can vary, given your season of life, and even the season of the year. I think it’s important to remember to be patient with yourself!

Until Next Time ❤

I hope this was helpful, and that it gives you a little hope and peace. Thank you so much for reading this – I really appreciate it!

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“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.” John 4:18 ❤

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