Joy Made Approachable

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Inspiring and Atmospheric Ways to Cultivate Joy in Our Homes

***Originally published on April 8, 2022 on 🤍


I appreciate you being here!

I’m excited to share a slightly updated version of a post I shared on my previous blog about a year ago, in early 2021 – I hope you enjoy!

In this post, I’m sharing inspiring and atmospheric ways to cultivate joy in our homes. I hope you enjoy this post and that it helps get you inspired!

Inspiring and Atmospheric Ways to Invite Joy Into Our Homes

Playing Music

One of my favorite ways to bring joy into my home is to curate the music I listen to while I’m in my space. An easy way to do this is to create and follow playlists that help you feel the way you want to, whether that’s confident, peaceful, happy, joyful, content etc.


Another one of my favorite ways to bring joy, as well as peace,  into my home is to say a prayer over my home, especially when I’m beginning a new chapter in my life, and/or I’d just like a fresh start .

Hosting Loved Ones

A great way to invite joy and love into our homes, as well as to create great memories, is to host loved ones. Some ideas for this include hosting a game night, sharing a meal, having a themed party…the possibilities are essentially endless!

Opening your Windows

In Minnesota, this isn’t the best idea in the middle of winter. However, this time of year, when it’s a little cool and simultaneously getting warmer, opening some of your windows invites a bit of fresh air into your home and adds a bit of joy. There’s something about these spring days that are full of sunshine and the scent of fresh blooms in the air that invites a ton of joy and happiness into our homes.  Opening windows, even a little bit is a simple action and can make a huge difference.

Creating Traditions

Creating traditions doesn’t have to just be centered around the holidays. One of my favorite daily traditions, as well as a part of my morning routine, is quiet time. Also, a cozy tradition I take part in nearly every Sunday morning, and now with my husband, is making gluten-free, dairy-free pancakes. This tradition goes all the way back to when I was about 4 years old and living with my grandparents and mom during my parents’ divorce. My grandpa has a heart-healthy pancake recipe I’d help him make every Saturday or Sunday morning. I love keeping this tradition going in my own home and life in the present. My husband and me make a gluten-free, dairy-free pancake mix that’s good for our stomachs now.

Featured Products

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The Fox in the Forest Duet board game

This is one of Chris and my new favorite board games to play ❤. I think it’s what’s called a “trick-taking” board game. While I honestly still can’t explain exactly what that is, this is one of our new favorite traditions ❤. It’s cozy and incredibly well-designed. You can also create teams, in addition to only playing with two people.

See this content in the original post

A variety of pancake mixes

Like I mentioned, another one of our almost weekly traditions, depending on how busy we are, is to make pancakes on late Saturday or Sunday mornings for brunch. The first, gluten-free one is the mix we use. Below the gluten-free version are a few other options, in case you aren’t gluten-free! I hope you enjoy if you choose to try one or all of them ❤.

See this content in the original post

Wrapping Up ❤

Joy is an incredible gift that helps us get through the hard times, celebrate the good in life, feel gratitude, and connect with God, who gives us joy in the first place ❤.

Until Next Time ❤

I hope you learned something from this post that you can implement in your own life. Thank you for taking the time to read and support – it’s incredibly appreciated!

Let’s Connect!




“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12 ❤✨

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