A Few Quick Tips on How to Style a Floral Bouquet

***Originally published on May 10, 2022, on JoyMadeApproachable.com


I’m happy you’re here and grateful you’re here and hope you’re doing well ❤.

Today, we’re taking a look at how to style a floral bouquet.

When I was creating a bouquet a few weeks ago, I started by picking colors that complemented each other. The types I ended up with included magenta carnations, pink tulips, and another pink flower/accent, that I’m not sure what it was. I bought the flowers and accents from Trader Joe’s.

A Few Quick Tips on How to Style Your Own Floral Bouquet ❤

  1. Fill your vase with water, add flower food, and swirl. ***Quick tip: if there isn’t flower food at the store, or you pick your own flowers, you can use sugar instead.

  2. Trim the ends of your florals and accents, so the tallest is between double and triple the height of the vase

  3. Start with the flower type you want to be the focal point.

  4. Add another type of flower you want to complement the focal point.

  5. Add accents.

 Enjoy your freshly styled bouquet ❤!

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Wrapping Up ❤

One of my favorite parts of spring is the flowers and blooms ❤. Creating a floral bouquet is one way we can bring a little bit of spring into our homes ❤.

Until Next Time ❤

Thanks for joining me today – I hope this brought you joy!

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“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8



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