Deeply Comforting + Satisfying Coffee Essentials

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One of our favorite daily rituals here at Joy Made Approachable is making - and enjoying - a deeply comforting cup of coffee (most likely several on any given day). There’s something wonderful about that first sip, as well as continuing to savor this small joy as we get ready to take on each day.

The cooler months of the year are some of our favorite times for exploring, experimenting with, and creating deeply cozy cups of coffee. Sometimes these drinks are simpler, sometimes a bit more complicated, but almost always satisfying, with lovely flavor notes.

We’ve tried out some cozy and spirit-nourishing coffee additions for you to add to your morning cup of coffee, if you’d like.

Below are a few affordable options, as well as a few potential splurges.

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Cooler Weather Options to Keep on Hand for a Deeply Satisfying Cup of Coffee

Flavored Syrups

The first essential we keep on hand is a bottle or two of flavored syrups. A brand we love is Torani. We’ve tried sugar-free versions; however, there are a variety of flavors available, both sugar-free and with added sugar. Some of our higher-rated flavored syrups for the cooler months include Torani’s sugar-free French Vanilla, sugar-free Caramel, and sugar-free S’mores.

Our favorites of the three are S’mores and French Vanilla; however, all three are wonderful. We’ve successfully tried frothing 1-2 teaspoons of a flavoring syrup with a milk of your choice and pouring it over coffee for a latte, or adding a little syrup into black coffee for a bit of extra flavor. If you’d like to get a little fancy and creative, you could try adding two different flavor syrups to your coffee. (Fair warning, if you don’t have a ton of experience with coffee, this may take a little bit of experimentation and patience to get a good flavor ratio. It can be fun to play with, though.)

Pumpkin Creamer, Plant or Milk-Based

Chobani Pumpkin Spice Oat Creamer is a favorite of ours to add to both our iced and hot coffees during the mid to late fall through early winter months (honestly, we tend to drink it as long as it’s available.)

If you’d like this creamer to taste even more like pumpkin pie just out of the oven, an excellent way to prepare it is to add your desired amount to an electric frother (I’ll share the one we use and recommend below), and froth it on the warm, low-froth setting. Hopefully, this doesn’t sound too sappy (especially for coffee!) but, poured over a fresh cup of coffee (a favorite of ours is Starbucks’s Iced Medium Roast coffee over ice for a treat) it tastes absolutely divine.

Compostable Pumpkin Spice Keurig Pods

We love us some regular Keurig pods, for better or worse. However, after doing some experimentation, we’ve realized and come to the conclusion that K-pod coffee, at least for us, tastes more fresh and rich when made with compostable K-pods.

So, when we came across Cameron’s limited edition Pumpkin Spice compostable pods, we were thrilled.

As black coffee, this brewed pod tastes and smells like a slice of pumpkin pie. It’s also great topped with a milk of your choice, either plain, or with vanilla or caramel flavoring syrup (frothed with milk, or stirred in separately). Another wonderful option is topping this coffee with a little bit of warmed vanilla creamer, whether frothed or plain.

Electric Milk Frother

A popular milk frother we’ve seen a lot is the Nespresso frother. However, we like the one below a bit better, not only because it’s much more affordable, but we’ve also had a great experience with it so far.

We also believe it’s a little bit easier and more straightforward to use than the Nespresso frother. There are mutiple colors available, and we love how aesthetic it looks on a kitchen counter. This milk frother features the ability to make four types of froth, including warm, cold, (for lack of better words) a lot of warm froth, or less warm froth. It is compatible with a variety of types of milk, including plant and nut-based (although, just a heads-up, some kinds of milk are more compatible with certain settings than others. It may take a bit of experimentation and getting used to).

Wrapping Up

Thank you for reading this post and taking a chance on our opinions! We’re hoping and looking forward to the possibility of doing some additional experimentation and exploration with more coffee products, including instant coffee, decaf coffee, ground coffee, coffee beans, etc, during the upcoming months.

Until Next Time ❤

Thanks for being here! We hope you found some value, as well as some good ideas, for your cooler-weather coffee routine.

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Cozy + Hygge Fall Flavored Keurig Pods Rated